Wednesday 23 January 2013

Magazine Construction

Firstly, i chose the title Amok from the list provided as it is the name that i felt would most suit a magazine. I then tried to think of an image to compliment this title through connotations and realised that Sid Vicious suited Amok perfectly as he was the image of anarchy in the 70's known for his wild behaviour on and off stage.

In complete contrast to both the title and the artist, i designed the magazine to be as simplistic and as plain as possible using only the colours of black and white and the use of only one cover line. This creates a sense of irony as the title and artist have a wild and anarchy type nature whilst the design is a complete contrast to this being as simple and plain as possible.

The cover line "The last bullet this gun fired" refers to the band the artist is from, the Sex Pistols. It implies how the all the fame that comes with being a member of such a large band, that initiated the punk movement, can get to someone and result in tragic consequences such as Sid's death. 

1 comment:

  1. A superb piece of work. This shows the skills you have to good effect. I'm looking forward to seeing what you design for your coursework.
