Sunday 10 March 2013

Work Progress Update

Upon receiving feedback for my draft products, I realised a lot of improvements were needed. Before I began my improvements, I spent some time commenting on my peers' blogs and giving them some feedback on their drafts which would help them to improve and I also received comments from my classmates. Then, I decided that I was going to completely redesign both my front cover and double page spread whilst making some minor alterations to my contents page. Firstly, I decided I needed new photos for every page of my magazine as the photos I had did not quite work. For these photos, I decided a needed new models for the members of The Genesis that looked older as I felt the two previous models looked slightly too young to fit the band description. After taking many photos, I set to work completely redesigning both the front cover and double page spread. It was this task that was the most time consuming and took me around 2 weeks to fully complete. I then went onto making a few minor adjustments to the contents page that make the page look more professional in its entirety. During the course of these adjustments, I was also putting together a playlist of songs that fit into my genre on Soundcloud. I created a cover for this playlist and uploaded it to my blog.

Final Front Cover

Final Contents Page

Final Double Page Spread

Wednesday 6 March 2013

Indie/Alternative Playlist

I have put together a collection of songs that fall into the genre of music my music magazine is based upon and also songs that would be of inspiration to artists in the genre of my magazine. These songs represent the type of artists and music that would be featured within Havoc magazine and give a clear representation of inspirations to The Genesis and reflect elements of how their music would sound. There were several songs that I wanted to include in the playlist which were restricted due to copyright issues with the Soundcloud website but the majority of songs I planned for the playlist are included.

Saturday 2 March 2013

Updated Front Cover Draft

After receiving feedback from my teachers, I have been working on improving my front cover draft as I believe the first draft was not up to the standard I will be happy with for my final piece. I have looked back through my research and planning posts on my blog and also took inspiration from other sources and have produced an updated version. For this version I have made many alterations including the photos, colour scheme  masthead positioning and size, coverlines and other minor alterations. I think the front cover and double page spread were the pages that needed the most adjustments so I am concentrating on these two pages primarily then will improve the contents page accordingly.